How to unwind from the stress.

How to reduce stress and how i9bottle can help you?

We all get stressed. It’s a normal reaction of our mind and body to the increasing demands of life. When stress is in our comfort zone it can help us stay focused, vibrant, and helps us to cope with challenges in our life. But when it becomes negative it can start causing damage to our mind and body.

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Find your fountain of youth

How to keep your skin young


_20160704_180753Most of us want to feel and look young as long as possible, but that gets harder as we get older. So, how to look younger, feel better and be healthier? It’s mostly about building a foundation from the inside-out with these strategies:

Protect yourself from the sun. You’re accumulating sun damage almost every time you go out in the sun and this damage doesn’t wear off. You can protect yourself by wearing sunscreen  and hat or simply by staying in the shade between 11am and 4 pm.

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We are beings of light

The Human Body Emits and Communicates with Biophotons – Biophotons are very weak electromagnetic waves of light. All living cells of plants, animals, human and in other natural elements beings emit biophotons, which cannot be seen by the naked eye, but can be measured by special tools. They form the so-called aura, a bioenergy field that encircles all living organisms, including water, and is always present in the form of a physical body.Continue Reading

Heart Chakra

The color green is the dominant color of the heart chakra and is linked with a sense of balance and stability. It symbolizes ecology and the environment and it is the color of growth, regeneration and rebirth. People who like this color usually appreciate nature and the security it brings. Green is also a good color for inviting good judgment and sense of justice.Continue Reading

Solar Plexus Chakra

“I really just want to be warm yellow light that pours over everyone I love.” Conor Oberst

In almost every culture yellow represents sunshine, happiness, and warmth. In relations to other primaries in the color spectrum yellow has the highest reflectivity. It brings happiness, and optimism,  sunshine and spring. Yellow relates to food that is good for skin problems, fruit (vitamin C and A), and purgative herbs like senna.Continue Reading